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Cellulite Treatment Specialist

Smooth Body Contours

Aesthetic Medical Spa & Body Contouring Specialist located in Orlando, FL, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Sandy Springs, GA, & Wellesley, MA.

Cellulite is a common problem that may not improve with diet and exercise. To even out your dimply skin, Smooth Body Contours in Orlando and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Sandy Springs, GA and Wellesley, MA offers non-surgical cellulite treatment. The specialists use various methods to remove the toxins underneath your skin that create the uneven texture. To start your cellulite treatment, call the office or book a consultation through the online scheduling tool today.

Cellulite Treatment Q & A

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is the dimpled skin that forms when deep pockets of fat push up through the connective tissue underneath your skin, creating an uneven texture. Though you can develop cellulite on any part of your body, it most commonly affects the thighs because it’s the area of your body that naturally has more fat.


Anyone can develop cellulite, but it’s more common in women. Factors that may increase your risk of getting dimpled skin include:


  • Age
  • Family history
  • Weight gain
  • Decrease in collagen production
  • Poor circulation
  • Poor lymphatic drainage
  • Inflammation
  • Thinning skin


Cellulite isn’t harmful to your health, but many people don’t like how it affects their look. Additionally, cellulite may not improve with diet and exercise. 


To help you get the look you want, Smooth Body Contours offers a non-surgical cellulite treatment that can smooth out dimply skin without pain or downtime. 

What is cellulite treatment?

Smooth Body Contours uses wood therapy for cellulite treatment. This centuries-old therapy uses various handheld tools to reduce or eliminate cellulite. With wood therapy, the cellulite treatment focuses on improving lymphatic drainage and circulation to help naturally remove the unwanted fat from the area. 


The cellulite treatment also breaks up the connective tissue that creates the fatty pockets. Breaking up the connective tissue smooths out the skin, giving you a more aesthetically pleasing look. 

How does cellulite treatment work?

Your aesthetic expert at Smooth Body Contours reviews the details of your cellulite treatment at your initial consultation, so you know what to expect. In general, cellulite therapy includes four 40 minute sessions. 


Your provider uses a combination of methods to smooth out your skin and remove the toxins from underneath the fat and connective tissue that causes your cellulite. 


Depending on your cellulite levels, you may need additional treatment sessions to get the best results.


There’s no downtime following cellulite treatment, and you can resume your usual day after your session.


Cellulite is stubborn, but there are effective non-surgical treatments that can improve the look of your skin. Call Smooth Body Contours, or book an appointment online today to schedule your cellulite treatment consultation.